Opening Drivers' Eyes to the Dangers of Sun Glare

Smiling man wearing glasses and grey sweater standing in front of grassy field with buildings in distance

The Challenge

Glasses Direct partnered with us to activate a brand awareness campaign, launching their new Transitions Drivewear collection. The focus needed to be on road safety and the objective was to drive increased UK online penetration of Drivewear lenses, available through Glasses Direct.

The Approach

The campaign launch was in the lead up to World Sight Day (October) so we needed to consider the consumer need for sunglasses when driving all year round rather than just the summer months. Alongside a consumer opinion survey we submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Department of Transport for accident data over the past 10 years specifically with sun glare as a contributory factor. Finally we used Met Office data around sunrise and sunset timings to identify the most dangerous times to be on the road.

Dr Alex George, TV doctor and lifelong car enthusiast was selected as campaign ambassador. He provided credible medical insight into the harmful effects of non UV lenses on the retina and the experience of treatment within A&E.

The Outcome
The campaign resulted in a 133% increase in sales of the Transitions Drivewear range across the campaign week. Transitions Drivewear penetration (amongst all light adaptive) also increased from 4.1% to 5.9%.

The blog page was the most visited one in November with 5,658 unique page views and there was a significant spike in social traffic and overall engagement over the campaign term.

The campaign achieved 64 pieces of coverage across press and broadcast with highlights including TalkTV, TalkRadio, Daily Express, Daily Star and a number of BBC regionals.

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